I’m a second year PhD student in David Winkler’s lab studying the role of bird migration on parasite-host interactions. I am interested in the role that host migration plays on the transmission of avian malaria and how it affects the diversification of parasitic organisms. Long-distance migrants such as Tree Swallows have the capacity tocarry around different strains and connect parasite communities across large regions. I work with two species of swallow – Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) in the US, and White-winged Swallows (T. albiventer) in Peru – to compare how different migratory regimes, and life histories affect transmission of avian malaria and connectivity of parasite communities.
Besides my research, I’m very interested in encouraging and strengthening science, conservation, tropical biology, and education in my home country: Peru. I mentor students through the REPU program and actively look for new ways to contribute in Peruvian organizations. In my free time I like taking pictures, watching movies, TV shows and YouTube, reading, and playing volleyball. Lastly, I’m – relatively – active in social media (@davidchvo) to talk science, nature, graduate school, and Peru!