Diversity Recruitment Weekend

Cornell EEB just hosted our first annual Diversity Recruitment Weekend! Together with grad students in the NBB (Neurobiology and Behavior) department, we welcomed 22 interested students (and post-grads) to Corson-Mudd. The weekend was full of workshops on how to identify potential mentors and apply for graduate school, as well as meetings with faculty and post-docs. The enterprise was led by Sue Pierre and Cait MacDonald, and supported by the hard work of more than 20 graduate students who gave tours, developed workshops, hosted recruits, and organized all catering and event planning. Thanks to the Graduate School for your support, and we are excited to see a more diverse pool of applicants to our program next year!



For more photos and tweets, search #CUPhDDRW17 on Twitter, or check out @CUEEBDiversity

Expanding Your Horizons

This Saturday, EEB grad students volunteered at Expanding Your Horizons! EYH is a campus-wide annual outreach event that introduces middle-school girls to STEM topics and research. Graduate students work hard to design workshops for multiple groups of young students throughout the day. Check out photos below from the Bug Zoo set up by our neighbors in Entomology and hosted by students from both our departments. At the Lab of Ornithology, grads taught attendees about the evolution and behavior of birds and showed off the Lab of O’s incredible collections.



Faculty Search

For almost two months this semester, our department hosted and interviewed several exceptional scientists for two faculty positions in Quantitative Ecology and Evolution. Graduate students attended seminars, chalk talks, pizza lunches and individual meetings with each candidate and provided feedback to help with the difficult hiring decisions our faculty have to make. We’re looking forward to greeting the new scientists and mentors who join our department!

Recruitment Weekend


Thanks to the 21 applicants who attended our annual graduate student recruitment weekend from January 27-29. We hope you enjoyed your stay and left with all the information you needed about our department; if you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact your faculty sponsor, the admissions committee, or any of the graduate students you met. Please check out the Prospective students page for even more information, as well as our departmental website. We hope to see you next year!

Holiday Party


The annual EEB Holiday Party was a great success, with a belly-busting potluck buffet and elaborate dessert competition entries. As a new tradition, a group of faculty gave five-minute talks to slides created by graduate students; topics included the aerodynamics of sea urchins, phenotypic plasticity in Pokemon, foraging behavior of deadly reptiles, and the range limits of burger joints. The evening was topped off by a delightful and unusually well-produced first year video. Thanks to all who came!

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Save these dates!


The dates for two big departmental events have just been announced, so mark your calendars: the Holiday Party will be on Saturday December 3 from 6-10 PM, and the EEB Symposium will be December 5-6.

To RSVP to the Holiday Party, click here. Don’t forget to buy your tickets and bring a dish! Sign-up for the potluck here.

If you’d like to speak in the Symposium, abstracts are due Friday November 18.