Diversity Preview Weekend

From March 8-11, grad students in our department led the collaborative outreach event that is Diversity Preview Weekend! For the second year, we organized faculty and postdoc interviews, workshops, and tours to introduce talented underrepresented minority students and researchers to Cornell and the graduate school application process. Three departments hosted attendees: EEB, the School of Integrated Plant Sciences (SIPS), and Entomology. In the coming weeks, attendees will be matched to graduate student mentors in each department to guide them through the nitty gritty of writing emails to potential advisors, tailoring their personal statements to positions, and applying for fellowships. Our gratitude comes in threes: Thanks to all the attendees for coming – it was so exciting to meet you! Thanks to the tireless organizers who coordinated a packed weekend of events across three (!) different departments. And thanks to all faculty, postdocs, and grads who hosted attendees, interviewed them, and helped them expand their academic networks. Thank you!


Stepfanie Aguillon (EEB)
Amelia Weiss (EEB)
Kass Urban-Mead (Entomology)
John McMullen (Entomology)
Michelle Laterrade (SIPS)
Julia Miller (SIPS)
Chris Peritore (SIPS)
Nick Segerson (SIPS)




Diversity Recruitment Weekend 2017: Video recap!

Last April’s Diversity Recruitment Weekend in EEB and NBB was a wonderful success, with students arriving from across the country to learn about graduate school and the application process. Organization of the 2018 Diversity Recruitment Weekend – now including the departments of Plant Science and Entomology – is already under way. Spread the word!

The 2018 application website: http://www.inclusivecornell.org/

Meet the dynamic duo who led the effort:


Meet the attendees and explore the weekend:

Diversity Recruitment Weekend

Cornell EEB just hosted our first annual Diversity Recruitment Weekend! Together with grad students in the NBB (Neurobiology and Behavior) department, we welcomed 22 interested students (and post-grads) to Corson-Mudd. The weekend was full of workshops on how to identify potential mentors and apply for graduate school, as well as meetings with faculty and post-docs. The enterprise was led by Sue Pierre and Cait MacDonald, and supported by the hard work of more than 20 graduate students who gave tours, developed workshops, hosted recruits, and organized all catering and event planning. Thanks to the Graduate School for your support, and we are excited to see a more diverse pool of applicants to our program next year!



For more photos and tweets, search #CUPhDDRW17 on Twitter, or check out @CUEEBDiversity

Expanding Your Horizons

This Saturday, EEB grad students volunteered at Expanding Your Horizons! EYH is a campus-wide annual outreach event that introduces middle-school girls to STEM topics and research. Graduate students work hard to design workshops for multiple groups of young students throughout the day. Check out photos below from the Bug Zoo set up by our neighbors in Entomology and hosted by students from both our departments. At the Lab of Ornithology, grads taught attendees about the evolution and behavior of birds and showed off the Lab of O’s incredible collections.





Our neighbors in Entomology hosted their annual outreach event Insectapalooza on October 22! Thousands of parents and kids came to explore insect biology and Cornell research, and many EEB grad students attended and volunteered. For photos and more details, check out their website and coverage by the Ithaca Journal.